Every once in a while we like to shoot out a few ideas as to where people should send their writing. At the moment the following places are cool as hell and accepting submissions:
Okey-Pankey is Electric Literature‘s weekly magazine of short things. They accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry and comics. I love the look and design and they publish very cool stuff.
Hobart’s Literary Journal is closed for regular submissions but they’re accepting work for their annual baseball issue. What? Baseball issue? That’s right. You heard me, and it’s a damn fine idea.
One of my favorite presses/film production companies in Two Dollar Radio is accepting manuscript submissions. Cost you 3 bucks, but we think it’s worth it.
One of my favorite print Journals in The Lazy Fascist Review is open for submissions. Enjoy a story and a recommended beer pairing.
Finally the good folks at Entropy have put together a list of seven gazillion places to send your writing. Check it out and GET READY TO WORK!
PS – Don’t forget to submit to us at The Talking Book. If you’re accepted you’ll become a celebrity and receive $3,000 in cash, free tickets to the super bowl and dinner with Bernie Sanders.
Also, if you wanna make a kickass audiobook go to our twin sister in the independent audiobook pub house Spokenwordinc.com