The recording of LAST SEXT is here and ready to be inside your ears. The author’s insanely effective reading of her own poems is literally perfect, not to mention powerful as hell. Check out the excerpt entitled: HOW I GET OVER MY LIFE by Melissa Broder, and then go and order the audiobook.
“It confuses me that fantasy can’t just be reality, and it probably always will. It also makes me sad. It seems strange that we shouldn’t just be able to want or wish or dream whatever we want into being. Though some might think that desire is strange. Anyway, this poem is an exploration of limited power I do have over reality and over my mind through meditation. Strangely, it’s not by rigidly controlling the flow of thoughts–and the goings on around me–that I get the peace I seek in my fantasies. It’s through surrendering all of it up to something else.” – MB
I turn my mind to bread and feed it to dogs
The dogs are good of stars and never devils
They eat me into something better maybe a door
They eat me to a sky until I’m gone from me
They swallow all my voices cold and drill
They hollow me out for all the good secrets
The secrets give me third eye until sunrise
I shut my mouth the whole time
Click here to order Last Sext right now or else miss out on everything.