Recently, some cool poets visited our city of Asheville, NC from Baltimore, Knoxville and Oakland. We convinced them to stop by the studio on their way out of town and record some work. Here is the first of them, Erica McBride. Listen and read…
My Scorpio moon is always up my sleeve
Using my demeanor as a facade
Using my facade as a lesson
An imaginary nemesis brought into being by delusion
Using the flesh of others as your coping mechanism
Using the flesh of others as a place to lay your nightmares
Bedroom eyes directed toward someone else
Turn your head
I carry the weight of my trauma every day
Currently it is the size of a large and heavy stone
Sitting in my guts
But as time passes
I believe it will reduce in size to that of a
pebble in my boot
Your obviousness stings
Blatancy used as a knife
Do not take my fruit and claim it as your own
I planted the tree
I let you watch it grow
Do not steal my harvest
Catch the rest of our Writers On Tour in the upcoming week. Damn fine bunch.