o god spank me. tell me my name is ichabod crane.
im driving my bod
a big lazy car rushing up the small of your back
crashing thru my bedroom in the dark
i text her and say
i wish we could hang today
watch shrek
listen to the village people
you take my shirt off and put it on you instead
the wide crewneck looks insane on you
your dancing looks insane on you
i am blushing so hard right now
my sweetie is a drain
full of friends hair
from years of hugging in the shower
what lives in a guy named michael’s discarded android phone
in 2013 beyonce’s self-titled album had just come out and thirty people under thirty I heard singing happy birthday to someone named michael watched my ex and i hook up in their bedroom while listening to drunk in love, neither of which we were, and they cheered when were were done, 30 seconds into the song, and i think they might have filmed some of it.
why watch some 20 yr olds fuck when you can watch videos from inside a bubblegum factory
rubber and sugar churning
tearing itself apart and sticking back together
ready for your teeth