It behooves us to introduce our NC brothers and sisters in Spoken Word Inc. They’re an audio production house making audiobooks for authors, publishers and everyone else we know. Fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, meditations, audio courses and non-narrative audio recordings. The whole shebang. Go and check em out if you know what’s good for ya.
Also they just published a piece about the history and importance of audiobooks here that we like-
The oral art of spoken word is the earliest form of human communication, allowing storytelling, teaching and the natural evolution of human ability to express and disseminate personal experience, advice, news and limitless curiosities of the imagination. With deep roots dating back to ancient Greece, this powerful form of wordplay and storytelling continued to have an impact with Native Americans in ceremony and ritual, African Americans battling the loss of freedoms and identity and so many more peoples throughout history. The spoken word as a speech, monologue or recitation also transformed the ability to comprehend humanity for the blind and has transferred and revived ancient classics that might otherwise be lost to digital format. It continues to relate the power of human story using intonation and emotion to connect people across time and space. The audiobook format in itself allows authors, orators, dreamers, revolutionaries, scientists and all who dare to create a living record of their experience, allowing the listener to connect fully with the power of their words. Read more…