Ever since I can remember I’ve been a David B. It’s true. I didn’t ask for this station in life but there’s no denying it. I do my best with what little I have. So when K Hartrum asked me to do a Bowie cover for The Talking Book I was both honored and nervous. Doing a Bowie song is a little like seeing a magical unicorn and then dressing up in a horse costume, hoping to recreate it in some tiny way (destined to fail, of course). I decided to just record it for myself, as a mantra of sorts. “Fill your heart with love today.” “Fear is in your head so forget your head and you’ll be free.” There’s a Bowie lyric for every occasion. Anyway, this lazy Sunday cover is for all you freaks and space invaders out there. It comes from an album I hold very dear to my heart called Hunky Dory, Bowie’s 4th album and still one of my all-time favorites. Please do me the honor of humoring my effort. You should all fill your hearts with love today. I’ll try and do the same.
With modern Love, David Burr.